COURSE NAME: Architectural Design II

A small college community has decided to build a student union facility.  This new building will include spaces for community activities, recreation, food service, seminars, meetings, and other student affairs.

The site is located at an elevation of 1400 feet in the rolling foothills of a mountainous region.  The average daily high temperature in the summer is 87 degrees F., and the average daily low temperature in the winter is 25 degrees F., although much more severe extremes have been recorded. The normal snowfall is between 2 and 4 inches during one or two snowfalls each winter.  Average annual precipitation is 40 inches, and prevailing winds average 10 mph from the southwest; however, wind speeds up to 70 mph have occurred.

The site for the new structure is a portion of college-owned property, which is presently used for parking.  Access is from College Avenue to the west.  To the east is a garden apartment complex; while to the north are a number of fraternity houses. Zoning restrictions preclude building within 10 feet of the north and east property lines and within 20 feet of College Avenue. Provide a covered connecting walk from the new building to the north transept of the existing main building.

The new building must employ good quality, durable materials; and its character must be appropriate in appearance to its use, as well as to adjacent structures.  Handicapped design standards and energy conservation must be incorporated in your design.

Program Requirements

1.   Entry - As required.

2.   Lobby - 400 sq. ft. with seating area.

3.   Reception - 150 sq. ft. with open information counter, desk space, and filing cabinets.

4.   Workroom - 200 sq. ft. with space for duplicating machines, two desks, and open shelf storage.

5.   Administration Offices - 2 @ 150 sq. ft. each for staff use, with desk, chairs, and files.

6.   Student Activity Offices - 2 @ 150 sq. ft. each for student use, with desks, chairs, and files.

7.   Lounge - 850 sq. ft. with wood-burning fireplace, chair storage, projection booth, and pull-down projection screen. This will be a multi-purpose space designed for flexible arrangement.

8.   Library - 400 sq. ft. with study tables, informal seating, small fireplace, and book shelving.

9.   Seminar/Conference Rooms - 400 sq. ft. divisible into two spaces, each with a conference table and chairs.

10.  Community Service - 800 sq. ft. for community activities. Provide stage setting, seating, and separate outside entrance. This space will also be used as a lecture room.

11.   Kitchen/Pantry - 250 sq. ft. with all standard residential-scaled fixtures and appliances and service/storage area.

12.   Dining Room - 400 sq. ft. with table seating for a minimum of 20 people.

13.   Outdoor Eating - As required.

14.   Staff Bedrooms - 2 @ 200 sq. ft. each for facility director and assistant director, with bed, desk and storage.

15.   Private Bathroom - As required for shared use of bedrooms. Provide closet area for bedrooms.

16.   Public Toilets - 2 @100 sq. ft. each for general use of staff and students.

17.   Miscellaneous - Provide the following facilities at the appropriate sizes required:

A. Mechanical Room/Janitor

B. Elevator/Stairways

C. Receiving/Service area near kitchen

D. Circulation

 Site Requirements              

1.       Parking for 5 cars, which includes 2 staff spaces, 2 guest spaces, and 1 handicapped space.


2.       Loading space for one delivery van at the Receiving/Service area.

3.       Remaining portion of the total site shall be appropriately landscaped with consideration of the views from College Avenue, the new building, and the existing main building.

Presentation Requirements

1.        Site Plan: 1/8” = 1’–0”. Show all roads, walks, site-access, parking, landscaping, building entrances, and changes in topography.

2.        Floor Plan(s): ¼” = 1’-0”. Develop a two-story scheme for the Student Union Building.  Show all walls, windows, door swings, stairs, elevator, and all fixtures and equipment specified.  Indicate the gross square foot area of each level and the building total.

3.        Elevations and Sections: ¼” = 1’-0”. Draw minimum of two elevations which best explain your solution and two sections (preferably at right angles to each other).

4.        Rendering(s) and/or a Model.