Architectural Design II            October 6, 2001

Design Project #2:  URBAN HEALTH CENTER

A group of doctors from the nearby medical center hospital are proposing to establish a clinic to serve an old urban neighborhood.  The new building will accommodate clinical, counseling, and community outreach facilities. 

 Common Building Facilities

 1.  Entrance Vestibule                                                                       100 sq.ft.

2.   Lobby / Waiting Area                                                                   400 sq. ft.

3.   Public Toilet Rooms                                                                     450 sq. ft.

      Two at 225 sq. ft. each

4.   Staff Toilet Rooms                                                                        110 sq. ft.

      Two at 55 sq. ft. each


Clinic Areas

 5.  Nurse/Receptionist Area                                                                300 sq. ft.

This area has visual control over the Lobby/Waiting Area and controls access to the Clinic Areas.

The space is occupied by two Nurses, a Receptionist, an Appointments Secretary, and a Cashier.

6.   Medical Records                                                                           300 sq. ft.

7.   Laboratory                                                                                    180 sq. ft.

8.   Specimen Toilet Room                                                                 65 sq. ft.

9.   Exam Rooms                                                                                600 sq. ft.

Eight (8) at 100 sq. ft.         each    

10.  Doctor’s Offices / Consultation Rooms                                       240 sq. ft.

Four (4) at 120 sq. ft. each

Counseling Area

11.   Counseling Offices                                                                      400 sq. ft. Four (4) at 120 sq. ft. each

12.  Meeting Room                                                                              1200 sq. ft

Two egress doors required for this room.

13.  Staff Lunch Room                                                                           250 sq. ft.


Building Services

14. Storage Room (s)                                                                            200 sq. ft.


15.   Electrical Equipment Room                                                          100 sq. ft. 


16.  Mechanical Equipment Room                                                        400 sq. ft

      This room will house the air handling equipment for all floors.  All ducts originate from this room.  

17.  Janitor’s Room                                                                         100 sq. ft./Floor